This book argues that while citizens blame the politicians the real culprits are the economists and accountants. The politician never professes to know economics and accountancy and employ technocrats with the knowledge.
- All Presidents and Ministers are surrounded by advisors. On the economic front are economists and accountants. Poor economic performance negatively affects all aspects of government and the country and leads to budget cuts. People blame the President.
The technocrats shoot in the dark.
- They deviate from the correct definition of economics as propounded by the early economists of the ilk of Adam Smith, James Stuard Mill, David Ricardo etc. The early definitions hold the solution.
- They refuse to advise the President to raise capital in the country, opting for foreign investors who never arrive. The country waits in vain. They give the impressions capital comes from America, Europe and World Bank or some mysterious investors.
- They allow currencies to depreciate causing increases in prices and inflation. They don’t understand that a depreciating currency chases away foreign investors.
- They don’t know that the number of formal businesses should reach 5% of the population
- They leave out citizens from participating in the economy
- They do not respond to submissions from the citizens and keep the Presidents under leash. The Presidents are voluntary victims. They do not know what the technocrats are receiving from the public until they are told by the technocrats or through the media. Who is the boss?

About the Author
Luke Montgonery
The author is Baron Luke Montgonery, in private practice for 30 years. He has taken the South African Minister and President to court, as the technocrats do not respond to correct above. The laws are correct, but the technocrats refuse to implement, sabotaging the freedoms the country gained.
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